Saturday, May 15, 2004

Donna has a wonderful post on her site today about being 'fully received' by God...

I wish I could have the full wisdom, grace and bredth of love of God to pass on to others on days like today. I haven't been writing about it, and I won't ever share the details on here, but someone very dear to me is going through a separation. This person called this morning needing a friend, someone to listen and encourage them and to remind them of God's love. I did that the best I could, but never feel that it's enough. I mean, really, what do you say?! There seem to be no 'right' words in this situation. Many tell this person that 'God hates divorce.' ...and He does, but he also hates lies and deception and abuse... What do you say to someone who seems to have tried everything lots of times and who feels so hopeless and doesn't feel like they can go through that again? I say I love them no matter what. I listen and I pray, and I don't really know what to pray, so I ask God what to pray...I ask Him to pour His love on this person and their spouse...I ask for His wisdom for them...for a full understanding of grace...and even for a miracle if that is His will. What do you do? I think and pray about this, I see Jesus in so many situations...I see Him with the woman at the well...I see Him not judging or turning her away, but knowing her and receiving her and loving her where she is....I see Jesus with the woman caught in the act and I see Him not condemn her...I see Him with so many people who were cast away and branded as sinners, and in each case I see Him love them...especially in the broken places.

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