Monday, May 17, 2004

This is Amanda and two of her closest girlie-friends! I am so thankful to God for the wonderful girlies that He has brought into Amanda's life! It is not by chance that they are in each other's lives, and I am in awe of the God who weaves together every detail. When I think about Amanda moving to Saskatoon a year and half ago, starting out in a new school, new home, new church, I am overwhelmed to see what God has done!

Brianna is one of Amanda's best buds at school. She's a year older than Amanda, but God orchestrated that they would be in the same class this year when He put her in a grade 3/4 split. The girlies have so much in common. Brianna is a bubbly girl who always has a great big smile on her face. I've had a soft spot for her ever since the first time I saw her. She has a warm heart and is full of enthusiasm! She comes from a wonderful Christian home too, and I am enjoying getting to know her parents, her two baby brothers, two dogs and a cat named KT (King Trouble)! (I'm not so sure though about the guinea pig named Evan?!) Today is Brianna's birthday and yesterday was the party. Amanda had so much fun...she came home missing her friend already:)

After Amanda's birthday back in February, I posted about Miss Aurora, Amanda's kindred spirit and bestest friend outside of school. She is such a sweet girlie and amazing hugger! The two have them have been attached to one another since they first met at Power Hour around when Amanda first moved to Saskatoon. Amanda has so much fun with Aurora that it is extremely hard to part the two of them afterward. With Miss Aurora under-the-weather lately though, we haven't had a play date recently (that needs to be rectified soon...) Play dates with Aurora doubly bless me sometimes because occasionally it means that I get to play with Aurora's mommy too!

I am so thankful for the friends that God has given my dolly, and am lifting them up to Him in prayer again today... that the fullness of His love and blessing may be on each of them! I thank the Lord too that they are each precious it is to see their love for Him:)

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