Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Well tonight is the American Idol Finale...Amanda is so excited! Her pick is Diana DeGarmo...go Diana go! I'm not really into the show, but each week, I try to watch it with Amanda (usually while I'm on the gazelle), and last night was I ever glad I was there...some of those commercials just shouldn't be on at 7 p.m. (there was even one for STD's?!!)...

Speaking of Amanda...she is doing wonderful on her bike! She can now ride, unassisted from mailbox station to mailbox station around our crescent...she just needs help pushing off when she starts out, so that is what we'll be working on tonight. I'm so proud of her! She's worked hard and she's making some new friends as she learns to ride her bike! Les has been such an awesome teacher!! Once Amanda masters this last skill, Les will be installing her new fancy bell/compass that Auntie Arilee gave her this weekend (twinsies with Aurora)...and then our girlies should never get lost!

The last few days have been busy with yardwork and home-stuff. Last Friday we put in our hedge (peking cotoneaster), and it's looking good. On the weekend we did some shopping for a bbq as we do not have one and are hoping to buy one this week...I think we have our choices narrowed down now. Les painted the deck yestereday, so it's all ready for us to pick up the bbq later this week!

We also weeded the flower beds and planted the front bed. I have a few more things to plant, but will hold off until after the tulips are done blooming. I lost my rose bush this year, so that is very sad...don't know what I did wrong:( ...and also, I don't see many of the perenniels I planted last year coming up:( All in all though, the front bed and pots are coming together. I've picked up some things to make a new summer wreath for our front door, so now I need to find time to do that... I'm meeting more of our neighbours as we putter around, so that is nice. It's a wonderful time of the year...nice weather (finally!) and no mosquitos...yet:)

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