Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Shall we dance?

Last evening, as we got home from Amanda's dance class and were bringing the groceries into the house (Les and I did a grocery run during Amanda's class), we had to pause because the sky was dancing for us. After we got the food into the house, we all headed out to our deck where the northern lights danced over our heads. How majestic?! The heavens declare His glory!

This was Amanda's first time seeing the northern lights...usually Les and I have caught them once she's in bed. I guess this is a true blessing of the sun setting earlier this time of year. Amanda made the connection last night of the northern lights being the auroras, and she had to call her bestest friend, Aurora from underneath them so she could see them too. Amanda thinks that Aurora is the perfect name for her friend because she so like the beautiful auroras dancing in the sky last night.

I then called my mother-in-law so she could see them for the first time too. Yesterday would have been a tough day for her. From what we saw, she did so well though. Yesterday was the anniversary of the passing of Les' brother. Yet somehow the stars seemed brighter and God made the sky dance. Perhaps it was a sign.

God has always done spectacular things in His sky that affirmed and assured me of His presence and love. The sky was one of the biggest things that Les loved about Saskatchewan when we were dating (before he moved here). I still remember the first time he saw the northern lights...t'was quite the romantic night for us! When we were engaged we kept driving out to the area we now live in at night, not to look at more houses, but more to see God's sky, the sunset, the stars and on special nights like last night, the nothern lights! My anniversary gift to Les this year was a telescope, something he's wanted his whole life, so he can explore it all even more. His love (and God's love through him) has given me so much, I just wanted to give him back a piece of the sky:)

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