Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry Christmas!

I know it is December 27th and my wishes are sounding late, but let me set the record straight.... Christmas is not over after the 25th. On the Church calendar, the 25th is really just the first day of Christmas...Christmas carries into January and the Feast of Ephiphany (celebrating the visit of the three kings). But at our house, I heard my own dad pronounce, after the presents were opened, 'well, it's all over for another year!'... Nope, not even close... Because even beyond the Church calendar, there is how we carry Christmas in our hearts every day:)

Christmas has been busy again this year, but really good. Les worked an early shift (unfortunately and fortunately he's working almost every day over the Christmas break), so that shifted a few of our traditions, but it was all good. We were still able to have both sides of the family over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Christmas Eve we attended the service at Emmanuel Baptist Church... What a wonderful place that is! Our dolly was part of the service. She and her dance class performed 'Breathe of Heaven'... which was breath-taking and had me in more than a few tears! Then we had our families over to our house for munchies and fun.

On Christmas morning, I got up early when Les left for work and did my devotion in the quiet of the early morning. Then Miss Amanda got up and discovered that Santa had been here! She got a note from Rudolf and you'll never guess where Santa left his key. She opened her gift from Santa and her stocking from Mom and Dad, and then we headed downstairs to light the advent wreath. The two of us sang every Christmas carol we knew that talked about Jesus and lit all the candles. Then we read the Christmas story in Luke and Matthew. Amanda played and I made brunch for us and busied around getting the turkey in the oven and making cranberries. Les got home around 2 and then the three of us did some of our family traditions and shared our gifts for one another. We gave Amanda a cd boombox for Christmas, and she spent the next hour performing in her room along with Hillary Duff (singing into her hairbrush!...oh that brings back memories:) Les' folks came over and then my folks along with my brother and sister. We were all spoiled wayyyy too much.

There were nine around my Christmas table this year, and I was very grateful it was nine not eight. It was the first Christmas in many that my sister made it home...and the first one that Amanda has spent with her. I'm very grateful for how close to peaceful the families came together...and also for the fact that the turkey and fixings turned out:)

After dinner we visited more, went for walks and played games...t'was a good day indeed:)

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