Wednesday, May 04, 2005

2 Important Things to Celebrate this week...

1. Happy Anniversary, Alana & Jim!
Alana & Jim's wedding anniversary was on Monday. They have been married for 24 years now! They have both been wonderful friends to me, and as I've said many times on here, Alana is like a sister to me! But it is even more than that, you see, because long before I married Les, long before I even knew Les, they modeled to me the things I wanted most for my marriage. They taught me what marriage was about, and they gave me hope that it can be something so much more than what we see in many marriages today.

I still remember the evening at their home, when after the awesome dinner Alana prepared (she is one of the best cooks you will ever find!), the three of us sat down for tea in their living room and Alana asked me just exactly what it was that I wanted in a husband. I made some kind of 'light' comment, but they both pressed on, and Alana went and got her pen and paper and wrote my list down. 'THIS is what we will pray for,' she said. I remember about half way through the list, she interjected, "Oh, and you DON'T want him to be wishy-washy!" ...and she wrote that down too! I believe that in a large part, God brought Les (who happens to be EVERYTHING on the list!) into my life because of their prayers!

In many ways Alana is my model as a wife and mom. She models so many of the values that are most important to me. She is very relational, puts her husband first (after God) and her awesome children next...way ahead of anything else in life! She demonstrates her love to her husband and kids in so many tangible ways every day. The way she lives her life inspires and encourages me:) Jim is also a very good husband. He is very 'involved' in family life, which may not sound big, but if you look around at families today, you'll see it is very big. He's affectionate and attentive, and I see him regularly make it a priority to 'date' his wife. They are a GREAT couple!!

2. Happy Birthday, Aurora!
Yesterday was Princess Aurora's 9th birthday! Gosh, it's hard to believe Aurora is 9?! It was just yesterday that I was writing a Winnie the Pooh note for when she started school! Aurora has the sweetest run-into-your-arms-HUGS! ...and the longest lashes for butterfly kisses. She is smart as can be, imaginative, giving and courageous, and is a mother's dream of a 'bestest friend' for her daughter!

I remember so well the first time Amanda and Aurora met. It was the first week that Amanda went to Power Hour. Les and I were standing in the line to register Amanda when Aurora saw us from the distance and came running to me wanting to meet Amanda. Her eagerness made Amanda feel so special too! I remember Aurora taking her hand right away and off they went... The two of them have been inseparable at Church ever since (and inseparable outside of Church whenever we have a get together!) Some folks even mistake them for one another (even though my girlie is so much taller...ah, they're both my girlies:)...I guess their hearts bear resemblance to one another, and that is no small compliment! ...makes the Auntie and Mommy in me so proud!!

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