Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Driveway Parable

Our driveway is covered in sand, has been for two days now, waiting for the rain to stop. Once the rain stops, the sand will dry, and when it's dry enough to look white-ish, the last step in securing our newly laid paving stones can be completed. It will be lovely once it is done. I know, I saw the preparation that went into it all...the excavation, the foundations, the leveling and then the laying of the stones. It will be just as we intended it to be, but in the meantime, it's covered with sand, and you can't really see what it will be. In fact, it looks pretty mucky right now, and I am impatient for what it will be. Please let the sunshine come soon.

Sitting here tonight, I can't help but think of what a parable our driveway is for our lives. God created us, planned every detail of who He wanted us to be. He planted the seeds, laid the foundation, etc. And He has continued working in our lives since the day we were born. Yet somehow right now when I look in the mirror (figuratively and also not so figuratively) all I see is muck. I fall more times than I want to, and I just want the rain to stop so that the things He's laid underneath can shine...the love He's put in me, the amazing husband He made me for (what a bless-ed marriage He's created!), the darling daughter He planned would be mine all along (what an amazing thing it is to get to be her Mom!)...and so much more. I know all those things are there, but all I see is the muck (the things I do wrong, the times I've failed, my strongholds). Tonight I'm impatient for the rain to stop on the inside too, to see myself as God intended me to be. To be lovely. To not fear contempt. Please let the Son-shine His light in me again!

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