Thursday, June 16, 2005

The "I CAN'T!" Girl, COULD, and She DID!
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I have battled many times with my darling daughter this last year (and the years before that) over the words, "I CAN'T!" ...hoping to banish them from her vocabulary. Fighting for her to believe in herself more and see all the wonderful things God made her to be and all the amazing things she CAN do. There have been more than a few tears from my Dolly when she started a new math section and in frustration declared that she just "CAN'T" do this! They broke my heart (and secretly lead to a few of my own tears) because she is such a bright and delightful child who CAN do I've told her over and over again. I've also told her many times that I don't want her to be perfect (we all make mistakes and much of the learning comes from there), but I do want her to try and to always do her best... I think I've shared some of this with you before...

Well, today we celebrate my girl who "CAN". This is Amanda's news more than mine. She is the one who did the work and who tried her best, and so it is with great pleasure that I let you in on the result. This morning Les and I attended an assembly at Amanda's school where she received The Honour Roll!!

Amanda, Daddy and I are VERY proud of you! ...not just for the grades though (or the Honour Roll), but for all the trying and the doing your best and the coming to believe in yourself (and in what we told you) more and more. You CAN do anything! We believe in you! Always believe in yourself and know that your best is always good enough! You are very bright and so imaginative and so creative and sensitive and caring....and we love you SO much!!

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