Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sunrise Apples

It is officially autumn! I found sunrise apples in the grocery store this week. These are my favourite!! Juicy, soft, sweet apples that I can only find in the store for a short time each fall. Why, oh why, can't we have sunrise apples all year?!

1 comment:

  1. They are my favourite type of apple to just eat. They are softer for biting into and so juicy. So I usually don't bake with them, but sometimes (when I'm not worried about carbs or sugars I make caramel sauce for dipping. Alana once gave me Martha Stewart's recipe for that and it is delish!)

    For baking with apples I usually just make apple crisp. I like to use the crab apples and apples from the trees this time of year if I get any. Alana makes an awesome apple sauce cake and an apple streusal that I want to get the recipes for but since I'm trying to stay away from treats I haven't asked...yet:)
