Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Encounter was very good tonight. I think I finally let God begin to break through what I've been carrying as we sang 'Blessed be the name'. In the message, the image of hands really spoke to me...

It Depends on Whose Hands It Is In

A violin in my hands will make a screechy

But a violin in a musician's hands will play
a masterpiece.

It all depends whose hands it's

A basketball in my hands is worth about

A basketball in Michael Jordan’s hands is
worth about $33 million
It all depends whose hands it’s in

A baseball in my hands is worth about $6
A baseball in Mark Mcquire’s hands is
worth $19 million
It all depends whose hands it’s in

A tennis racket
is useless in my hands
A tennis racket in Pete Sampras’ hands is a Wimbledon
It all depends whose hands it’s in

A rod in my hands
will keep away a wild animal
A rod in Moses’ hands will part the mighty sea
It all depends whose hands it’s in

A sling shot in my hands is a
kid’s toy
A sling shot in David’s hand is a mighty weapon…
It all
depends whose hands it’s in

Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands
is a couple of fish sandwiches…
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God’s
hands will feed thousands
It all depends whose hands it’s in

Some mud and some spit in my hands makes a

But some mud and spit in Jesus' hands
restores sight to the blind

It all depends whose hand it's

Nails in my hands might produce a
Nails in Jesus’s hands will produce salvation for the entire world
It all depends whose hands it’s in

I have no idea who first penned this. I first heard it tonight from an African-American preacher in a film clip. It appears that he added several examples that weren't in the original version I found as I googled it just now, so I added those in from my memory of his words. The message I heard tonight was to put everything in His hands so that we can take our empty hands and lift them up to him and point to His power and His goodness. It's all better in His hands. The only hand we can give Him is ours pointing to Him.

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