Monday, January 16, 2006

My Heritage

A couple of the blogs I visit have talked about You upload a picture of yourself on their website and they tell you what celebrity you look like. So I tried it...I think most of the responses they give you have to do with the angle of your face in the picture and its similarity to a celebrity's in a picture. The first scan I did was of me in our family picture from this fall. My Heritage thought I looked like Hilary Duff (Amanda would be so proud!), Audrey Hepburn, Sharon Stone and Kirsten Dunst. Interesting, but I doubt I look like any of these people...and if I'm not mistaken, I don't think they look much like each other either. So I tried it again, this time with a recent picture of me alone. My Heritage thought I looked like Nicole Kidman, Janet Leigh, Shania Twain and Keira Knightly...bizarre?! So I tried one last time using a wedding photo...this time it said Isabella Roselini, Sharon Stone, Janet Leigh, Keira Knightly and Shania Twain?!

So the names that came up most often were: Sharon Stone, Keira Knightly (she did portray Elizabeth Bennett in P&P this fall, so in that one way I identify with her:), Janet Leigh and Shania Twain (actually, someone in my small group once said I looked like her if you can imagine?!) In reality, I look like me...and that's ok, but the My Heritage site was a fun diversion:) Who do YOU look like?


  1. Donna - where have you been?! I get an error when I try to go to your blog:( I miss reading about your thoughts!

  2. Sherri: One of my celeb's it listed was keanu reeves. I think I should be very offended.;) DELETED YOUR BLOG? WHY?!

  3. Donna - you are definitely a piece of my life...and such an encouragement always!

    I'm with Christy though, why did you delete your blog? You always gave me lots to think about and I love the way you express yourself.

    I think I'm going to start picketing...BRING DONNA'S BLOG BACK! BRING DONNA'S BLOG BACK!

    Of course I'll try to understand and respect your reasons if you don't, but I for one will sorrily miss it.

  4. Christy - that is totally bizarre! ...and confirms my suspicion as to it's accuracy. I mean I'd love to think I look like Kiera Knightly, but I have a firmer grip on reality than that.

    If it gives you any solace, when we ran Amanda's picture through for her, it's first choice for her was an Asian person and it's second was Whoopi Goldberg?! hmmm?!

  5. It's all about how you tilt your head...if I got the right degree of tilt I could probably come up as Faith Hill, but that would just be lunacy. ;)
