Saturday, January 03, 2009

Cinema Saturday #13 - Mama Mia!

First of all, happy new year all! I haven't had much time to 'play' lately, so tonight I took the few minutes I had and made these little notepads for this week's Cinema Saturday. The theme this week was the movie Mama Mia! - which was so much fun:) These notepads (link to tutorial is here...) are for two of my girl-friends who loved the movie too... I thought they could use something fun on their desks as they head back to work after the holiday break - and on the inside cover I've transcribed words to one of the songs to make them smile:) Pictures were taken inside and after dark so the colours don't pop the way they should, but you get the idea;)


  1. Happy New Year Sherri Dah-ling!!! :)

    LOVE your sweet notebook gifts for your girlfriends!! Great idea Sherri!! This is such a great movie about friendship, love, mother-daughter stuff and everything in between -- and of course Colin Firth!!! What a great idea to give your friends this notebook with the song details too!!! FAB idea!! love the colors and layout! Off to check out your tutorial!!
    Sending you and yours lots of happy wishes for this New Year!!!
    much love,
    Sankari :)

  2. Glad to see you playing along again! These little notepads are SO sweet! I love the color combo! :D

  3. The colors are so great!!! Very nice job!! I love your little notebooks!

  4. Very pretty Sherri...and such a sweet thing for you to do for your friends...what lucky girls!

    All the best,

  5. Oh! Very cute gifts for your friends! What a sweet idea!

  6. Those notepads are so lovely! Great idea and thanks for the links to the tutorial.
    Blessings, Amy.

  7. What a sweet pad!!! Lucky gals!

  8. Very pretty, love the color combo!

  9. These are so pretty!! I bet they loved them!! Can you believe I haven't seen this yet. I am going to have to make a point to watch it this weekend, everyone raves about it!
