Sunday, February 09, 2014

MY Heartfelt Banner

As I mentioned a couple of posts below, the Heartfelt banner is my favourite SAB item that you can earn for FREE this year.  This weekend I sat down with mine and challenged myself in 2 ways:
1 - use only the goodies included in the SAB kit!
2 - convey LOVE without using words. 
My banners always use words and my banners are usually over the top with embellishments.  I love what I came up with.  I used some pictures of my hubby and I from our recent mountain getaway.  The sun was streaming in our front window so bright that the camera doesn't totally pick up all the texture and layers, but it's all there for the eye:)

I also love that I can easily remake this banner anytime I want (ie...clothespin clips = reusable:).  Also, I used only about half of the pieces that came in the Heartfelt banner kit to make this banner...meaning:  I can make at least 2 banners out of this kit!!!!  Yeah!:)  You know I luv banners:)

1 comment:

  1. Awww! :) I love it! And hooray for getting two banners from the one kit! :D
