Let me know you, for you are the God who knows me; let me recognize you as
you have recognized me. You are the power of my soul; come into it and
make it fit for yourself, so that you may have it and hold it without stain or
-- AUGUSTINE, Confessions
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Encounter is the new mid-week worship service at our Church. I have been hungry for this for so long, and it has not disappointed me. Last night we attended our second one...the message that stayed with me is that God has brought 'the holy of holies' (the temple) to us (in us)...He is about bringing things together (things torn apart, things in pieces). There was much more to it...along with some interesting exegesis of Revelation 21, but I will stop there for now.
There's a song I've been singing a lot this past week that talks about how God fills the hunger in my heart...He takes my soul by storm...
You Take My Soul By Storm
words and music by Carolyn Arends, Mak Kaylor, and Connie Harrington
There’s an eerie stillness in my soul
A cold complacency
It’s been too long since I felt the Holy Ghost
Stirring in me
But I know it’s just the calm before the storm
Soon a light will pierce the dark
‘Cause Almighty God you’ll move heaven and earth
To move my heart
Like the mighty winds of a hurricane
You’ll come rushing in when I call Your name
And let Your love come down
You take my soul by storm
Then I’ll feel Your Spirit moving me
And You’ll lift me up where I need to be
‘Cause when Your love comes down
You take my soul by storm
You take my soul by storm
There’s a strange new fragrance in the air
The promise of sweet rain
I know it won’t be long till the force of Your love
Sweeps me away
Whenever I have let this distance grow
Between Your heart and mine
You have poured out Your Spirit on my thirsty soul
So I know this time
Repeat chorus
(C) 1995 Edward Grant/running arends music (admin. by Reunion Music Publishing) (ASCAP)/Ol’ Lucy Brown Music (BMI)
Monday, October 25, 2004
I had a wonderful weekend with my handsome husband! I feel loved, refreshed, happy, inspired and content... Here are a few of the highlights..
On Saturday, we visited with my in-laws, and Amanda got to stay for a two-night grand-parent-spoil-me time. Les and I then did some shopping for things we've been needing/wanting around the house. Later that evening, Les took me to the movies. We saw 'Shall We Dance'. It was a wonderful movie, and oh-so-romantic to see in Les' arms. (Thanks to Donna for blogging about it earlier...I believe Les got the idea from me reading your words:) On the way there, it was a snow-globe world...big fluffy snowflakes fell around us and crunched under our feet...so romantic:)
On Sunday we slept late and lingered over breakfast. Then I did some housework and Les built a new piece of furniture for the living room. He's so good at these things! Then I had the fun of decorating it:) Afterward, we went out for supper at Kelseys and I got to enjoy some shrimp and, more importantly, my precious man. Then Les took me to the Carolyn Arends' concert and we met some friends.
The concert was awesome! I love Carolyn's music...the lyrics, the interesting instrumentals, and the feel of it. But I think the best part for me was how much Les enjoyed it. We had awesome seats in the second row where we had the perfect view of Carolyn and her lead guitar/mandolin/violin/bazouki player (Spencer Capier...what a talented guy...and with his own albumn coming out soon). I think my favourite new song that Carolyn performed last night was 'Not a Tame Lion'...it echoed C.S. Lewis' line from Narnia about the lion, asking if he was safe....'of course not, he's a lion, but he's good.' (Here's a link to the lyrics and Carolyn's thoughts on writing the song...http://www.carolynarends.com/utg/natl.html)
Seeing that concert woke up some personal interests in me...some of the things I haven't had much time for since becoming a wife and a mother (which was the fulfillment of my biggest desires, so I am in no way complaining:). I guess it's because I recognize so much of myself in Carolyn's songs, but I'm going to think about how I can put some of those things back on the burner, even if it's on a really slow simmer...(I know I have a husband who would be oh-so supportive of that:)
Here's a link to an interview with Carolyn that was released last week by Christianity Today (http://www.christianitytoday.com/music/interviews/2004/carolynarends-1004.html).
Here's a quote from it that struck me big about why her new album is 'Under the Gaze'...
"One enduring theme in my music is the idea that you can't compartmentalize life.
All of it belongs to God, and what we do with it is our gift back to God. There
is no detail that he's outside of. I have to keep remembering to see all of life
that way and not create these little compartments, the things I think God is
privy to and the things he's not—or the things that should matter and the things
that don't. It all matters; it's all sacred.
For some people, depending
on their perception of God, the word gaze feels like "scrutiny" or "glare." But
I think of it as a really warm image, like gazing into someone's eyes, or a
lover's gaze—though I'm not casting my relationship with God in those romantic
colors. But it's just this idea that he wants to watch over us, all the time,
forever. That's the kind of affection he has for us, and, to me, that's just a
massive idea. And so I finally sat down and wrote that song, and it almost
instantly felt to me like, Okay, this is what this album is. It's all under his
And that thought gave me a green light to explore anything I want
on the record, because it is all sacred. It gave me freedom to go a lot of
different places—even musically. So if I want to go bluegrassy over here, I can.
If I want to be springy piano-ey over there, I can. It's all part of it. It's
all sacred."
Thursday, October 21, 2004
This song is swirling through my head today. It's full of meaning for me...from a time of hurting and waiting, to a time of fulfillment. Last night during worship, I went to the spot at the altar...the spot where I poured out so much hurt again and again years ago...the spot where I prayed so many prayers...and the very spot where just 2 1/2 years ago I knelt with Les in the darkened sanctuary the first time I told him I loved him. Old hurts be gone, waiting over, prayers answered...I thanked God for His amazing love and treasured up in my heart God's man, my Les. Face streaming with tears, I opened my eyes and saw the pastor's Bible open under my arms, I turned it around and my eyes fell on the very passage in Ephesians 3 that God gave me just before Les entered my life....
For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches
he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being
rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (v.14-19)
...and then the verse that He gave us both as we came together despite all barriers...
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine, according to
his power that is at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
for ever and ever! Amen. (v.20-21)
Come Be with Me
Written by Amy Grant, Co-written by Beth Nielsen Chapman
Baby this life can break your heart
Everyone hurts to some degree
So while this world is falling apart
Why don't you come be with me?
Don't you know that life can be so cold
When you're without the one you need
How much longer do I have to go?
Waiting for you, come be with me
Love can be so simple when you let it flow
Keep it in your head, feel it in your heart
Send it through your soul
Look up at the stars burning bright
Listen to the wind whisper sweet
Heaven and earth know the moment is right
Why don't you come be with me?
(Repeat Refrain)
Look up at the stars burning bright
Listen to the wind whisper sweet
Heaven and earth know the moment is right
Why don't you come be with me?
Heaven and earth know the moment is right
Why don't you come be with me?
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Encounter starts this week, and I just had a look at the outline of weekly topics for the next 8 weeks...it is looking good! It looks like the focus will be Ephesians...
Lakeview's Wednesday Night Service
Every Wednesday from October 20 - December 8 @ 6:30 pm, come out for a different kind of service, with more in-depth teaching and worship.
Also, kids won't want to miss "Adventure Club", the new kids program being offered for kids birth to grade 5 during the service.
The first season of Encounter will deal with the book of Ephesians. Here are some details of the following weeks to come in this series.
October 20
“Gathering, Listening, Learning, Worshipping”
Introduction to Encounter
October 27
“You Can't Get Closer Than In”
What it Means to be "In Christ"
November 3
“Keeping Our Head On Straight”
The High Calling of the Church #1
November 10
“God Dwells Where?”
The High Calling of the Church #2
November 17
“Behind Curtain # 3... Revealed!”
The High Calling of the Church #3
November 24
“The Weakest Link”
God's Call to Live Like Him
December 1
“When Death Becomes Life”
Baptism Service
December 8
“Battle Cry”
The Armour of God
For more information follow this link... (www.lakeviewchurch.com)
Monday, October 18, 2004
I haven't mastered the art of creatively correcting my daughter yet without risking the scorn of her not liking me (at least momentarily). I know, it's not about being 'liked'... As my dear friend Alana continues to remind me, 'They need a mother, not another friend!' ...and I get that, I do... and I am willing to risk my daughter's scorn if it's a matter that goes to character. I am willing to endure it for her because she's worth it...so worth it!
This weekend, Alana passed along to me an illustrustation she once heard a speaker use that has really got me thinking. She said to imagine that you are preparing your child for a trip in 18 years and that you have to help make ensure that they have what they'll need in their suitcase by then.
I've been thinking a lot about what I want in Amanda's suitcase (in about 9 or so more years). I want her to have an intimate relationship with God, not just knowledge of God, but a deep relationship. I want her to have confidence in herself and knowledge that she can do anything. I want her to have a compassionate heart and a willing spirit. I want her to be self-motivated and have good common sense. I want her to be able to take care of herself (and her someday family, if God so chooses). I want her to be a good friend and be able to sometimes take care of her friends when they need it. I want her to know how to be safe but not end up being totally closed off. I want her to be brave and to hold tight to her values. I want a lot of things for her... and in the end I want her to know that there are two people in this world who will always think she's such a living dolly, who will love her no matter what, but who love her way too much to ever let her compromise.
Oh this parenting thing...they're right, you know, when they say that when you become a parent you start walking around with your heart on the outside... not easy no-sir-ee..
Sunday, October 17, 2004
I know, you probably don't get it...why am I singing?! ...because it's snowing!...the first fluffy soft snow of the year! And while that will mean shoveling (in the not too distant future...later this morning in fact), I can't help but be excited... I love snow, expecially the first snow of the year. I love how it feels and how it crunches! I love how it looks at night...everything twinkles! Winter has always been my favourite season (despite the odd -40 degree day). I love snowflakes on my cheeks, snowangels on my lawn... I love snow covered branches, snow cornered windows... I love how cozy it feels inside, sipping a hot cup of sumpin' (tea, cocoa...)! So this morning I'm singing, enjoying a caramilk coffee and eating warm oatmeal, homemade with cinnamon, raisens and brown sugar. There's nothing like hot oatmeal to warm you inside and out! I've got bread in the oven and will serve it with homemade soup for lunch when Les gets home. I think I'll throw some chicken in the oven for supper, but for now, I'm going to head out and play...er, I mean shovel...well, maybe play a bit. I think my scarecrow needs his own snowflake to hold and our lawn...er, snowbank, needs an angel!
Come on, get in the spirit....
- make your own snowflake here (http://snowflakes.lookandfeel.com/)
- play some snowflake yahtze even (http://www.papersnowflakes.com/)
...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! :)
Lord, thank you for the beautiful snow, please open our hearts to enjoy it and find You in it, and please keep all those traveling and those driving around today safe (and patient) on the roads. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Still, I was doing pretty good really, until I started noticing the steady stream of fancy half tonnes that kept whizzing past us in the right lane...that's right, the lane that was closed... They would speed past the halted traffic and then squeeze back into the left lane at the point where the roadwork was being done...thus making those of us who had been waiting a long time, wait even longer. I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn't be so frustrated by what they were doing, but honestly, I kept thinking that if one of them even tried to merge back into the left lane in front of me, I wouldn't let them... Guilty thoughts then emerged...I mean, what happened to 'the first shall be last', what happened to my usual patience about such things? ...and then I heard this coming from the seat behind me where Amanda, my 9 year old daughter, was sitting, "All right already! We're getting old here!!" I couldn't help but laugh out loud, it had even gotten to my darling 9 year old daughter and was aging her in the process... (She's too cute, don't you think?!!)
Thursday, October 14, 2004
...Dutch Growers (http://www.dutchgrowers.ca/)... The other day my friend, Alana, was able to pop by there, and now I have a hankering to go and linger there a bit, maybe share some tea...so it's official, on Saturday my friend Arliee and I are taking our girlies there before we head to church so they can explore the pumpkin patch...
I love to browse around places like Dutch Growers and look at the plants and flowers, home decorations, Christmas decorations, etc... (I do miss the crafts though...they used to have a wonderful craft supply section...) They even have a bistro, and it's painted so beautifully...just a wonderful environment to be in!
If I were to ever have a store of my own it would be a craft store/book store/tea and latte spot. Remember the feeling of walking into the old Willow Wisp store (the one that was in the old Johnny Appleseed location)? I'd love an old fashioned two story location with a big front porch. When you walk in you smell grandma's kitchen. There are cozy places to sit and nestle in among the crafts with books on crafty shelves throughout. You can sip your cider, tea or latte as you look...all cups have saucers and there are safe places to set them down as you look. Music is playing in the background...sometimes it's folky like Carolyn Arends, other times it's celtic-y, and other times it's my favourite Bach string concertos. You feel welcome to linger, taking it all in...go ahead and find a spot and sit down and read to your heart's content (afterall, if it's a dream, we don't need you to purchase the book to keep our doors open...) This sounds like a place where I'd like to be...but coffee break is now over, so it's back to being an accountant for me!
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Well the turkey-bird is in the oven...we are celebrating Thanksgiving today. Les is off at work right now, and I am making the cranberries for our feast. Soon both sides of the family will be here. It will be a busy day, but I don't want to loose sight of what it's meant for.
My heart was struck this morning when I did some research on how Thanksgiving came about in Canada. I found out (as highlighted in my last post) that Parliament, when declaring the second Monday of October as Thanksgiving in Canada, marked it as a time of giving thanks to 'Almighty God'...and I have a lot to be thankful for...
Here's a partial list:
- God's love and His grace, abundant and true
- my handsome husband... I waited what seemed like a long time for him, but God was faithful, and Les is everything on my list of what I wanted.
- my living dolly, who made me a mommy:)
- our home, a warm place where we live and grow in love
- our friends, people like the Henry's who have been such examples to me of God's family... Alana, who has been my heart's sister, who taught me to be brave and who encourages me so much... People like Caroline, who have been there for us and shown constant and unconditional love. People like Arilee who have lifted me up as mommy and helped me along...
- our extended families... Les' folks who moved here to be closer to us (well probably Amanda), who've had such a tough year... my folks, who have had to let go of their little girl...
- our jobs... although I'm feeling too much stress these days, I still thank God that I have a job and pray His strength through it
- our church... my role has changed so much in it over the last two years that sometimes I don't know where I fit, but I am thankful that they take me where I am, and I'm thankful that Les and Amanda have each found a place there. I'm thankful for Encounter and Adventure Club which will be starting later this month, for the timing of it and that there is something for each member of my family to look forward to and grow in.
- the beautiful sunshine streaming through my windows right now, the gorgeous fall trees, the sunsets I've been seeing all week, the feelings I have inside, and once again, the God who paints this all just for me (well maybe not just for me, but sometimes it feels that way:)
The Canadian Thanksgiving Day came about because of a combination of
traditions. Before the first Europeans arrived in North America, the farmers in
Europe held celebrations at harvest time. The farm workers filled a curved
goat's horn with fruit and grain to give thanks for their harvest having been a
good one. This horn was called a Horn of Plenty.....or a Cornucopia, and the
farm workers who started a new life in Canada took this tradition with them.
In Newfoundland in 1578, the English navigator Martin Frobisher held a
ceremony to give thanks for surviving the long journey. He was later knighted
and had an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in Northern Canada named after
him.....Frobisher Bay. As other settlers arrived they continued these
In 1621, in what is now the United States of America, the
Pilgrims celebrated their harvest in the New World. By the 1750's settlers
moving to Canada from America had taken this celebration to Nova Scotia. At the
same time, French settlers arriving in Canada with the explorer Samuel de
Champlain held thanksgiving feasts and shared their food with their Indian
neighbours. After the seven years war ended in 1763 the citizens of Halifax held
a special day of Thanksgiving.
At the time of the American Revolution,
the people who remained loyal to the Government in England moved to Canada and
spread the Thanksgiving celebration to other parts of the country. Other English
settlers were also used to having a harvest celebration in their churches every
In 1879 the Canadian Parliament declared the 6th November as a
day of Thanksgiving and a national holiday. Over the years the date has changed
with the third Monday in October being the most popular time. Finally on the
31st January 1957 the Canadian Parliament proclaimed that....
'A Day of
General Thanksgiving to Almighty God
for the bountiful harvest with which
Canada has
been blessed.....to be observed on the second Monday in October.'
From... http://www.crewsnest.vispa.com/thanksgivingcanada.htm
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Having watched the Father's Love Letter again recently, I was reminded of this: http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/ (check out the presentation:)
The poem it's based on goes like this, but you really need to see the pictures as well...
I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled. “My time is eternity.”
“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?”
God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future.”
"That they live as if they will never die,
and die as though they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.
And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”
“To learn they cannot make anyone
love them. All they can do
is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn to forgive
by practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in those they love,
and it can take many years to heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that there are people
who love them dearly,
but simply have not yet learned
how to express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people can
look at the same thing
and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”
"Thank you for your time," I said humbly.
"Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?"
God smiled and said,
“Just know that I am here... always.”
-author unknown
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
If you haven't here's a link... http://www.fathersloveletter.com/fllpreviewlarge.html
I remember the first time I saw it a couple of years ago, my eyes were just so full of tears... :)
Monday, October 04, 2004
Ever since the concert, I can't get this song out of my head or heart. I've been singing it every day...kinda feeling like I'm Laura...
Saved By Love
Laura loves her little family,
And she's the kind of woman who loves them with her life.
But sometimes in the evening,
When the world rests on her shoulders
With four walls closing in,
She'll close her eyes.
It's not like she misses being younger,
Though she never was in Vogue magazine or on TV;
Her husband loves her dearly,
And the morning shows her clearly,
Kisses her little baby girl.
Laura, she's the queen of the world.
Can't imagine ever leaving now,
Now that she's been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
Listen to her quiet heart singing loud.
Laura, she's been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
I know that she's been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
Saved by love.
There's nothing quite like my family's love to warm me,
And nothing short of death's gonna ever leave me cold.
Well, still at times it's lonely,
But through it all it only
Makes me love Jesus more,
And this is what He came here for.
I can't imagine ever leaving now.
Now that I've been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
He's gone and turned my crazy world back around,
And I've been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
I know that I've been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love....
Oh, I'm never leaving now,
Now that I've been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
He's gone and turned my crazy world back around,
And I've been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love.
Amy, she's been saved by love,
Saved by love, saved by love....
Saved by love.
I'm saved by love.
That's right.
And nothing I can say,
Nothing I can do, nothing I can say.
We're all just saved by love.
Nothing you can say, nothing you can do.
Only love can say, only love can do,
Only love can say.
Only love can say, only love can do,
Only love can say.
I'm say-yay-yaved by,
I'm saved by, by,
Nothing you can do, nothing you can say,
Only love can say....
I'm not big on McDonalds. I mean left to me, I don't think we would ever eat there, but Amanda adores their Cheeseburger Happy Meals, and so occasionally we find ourselves in line at McDonalds after a skating lesson or dance class. It's sad, I know... I think that Amanda's fondness of that place has more to do with the marketing than the food though (but she'd never tell you that). I think it has more to do with the toy of the week. When I was young, restaurants didn't give out toys or treats with meals...not even McDonalds. A few weeks ago Amanda was disappointed when Grandma & Grandpa took her out for supper and they went to Montana's...no toy to take home. Likewise when we took Amanda and her friend Britney out to Denny's before the carnival at the Church a while ago, she was disappointed again...no toy... Both times she would have preferred McDonalds even though I'm positive she preferred the food at Montana's and Denny's.
A friend of mine recently mentioned the movie,
'Supersize Me'. I hadn't heard much about it, but did check out the website and a blog on it this weekend. I actually think I'd like to see this movie, but I'm not so sure my daughter would like me to see it...as it may reduce the number of McDonalds trips she gets...afterall she already has enough toys.
Here's a quote from the blog:
"Morgan Spurlock went on a 30 day McDonalds only diet. 3 meals a day. Only food that McD's sells over the counter. And he must supersize the meal if they ask him. He started off the diet in perfect health, and at 185lbs. He got the help of 3 doctors a nutritionist and a personal trainer to monitor he progress...and for health reasons. For a man his size they recommended 2500 calories a day. The figured that he was eating 5000 calories a day.
A couple of finds:
- a regular Yogurt parfait + granola has more calories than hot fudge sundae
- only 7 things on the menu contain no sugar – french fries, hashbrowns, iced tea, coffee, diet coke, chicken mcnuggets, and sausage….even the salads contain sugar
- “results for liver are obscene beyond anything I would have thought” – one of his doctors, after 21 days
The final report:
He suffered from massive headaches when he didn’t eat McD, mood swings, and felt depressed and exhausted most of the time. His medical tests showed that he had 2x the risk of heart failure and heart disease, his liver was fat, his cholesterol was 230 and he gained an amazing 24.5 lbs. Oh, and mentioned that his sex drive was “worthless”. He also said that he had massive cravings for McD's when he wasn't eating. Overall, he ate 30lbs of sugar, 12 lbs of fat, and took him 5 months to lose 20 lbs after the fact.
Watch the movie. Think about what you are eating. Crazy, crazy stuff. Basically, the doctors told him to stop 3 weeks in because his body was (especially liver) was very sick. Insane.
Oh, he puts some of the burgers into glass jars for a few weeks to see how they decompose. After 10 weeks he throws them out. The fries look like they were bought that day. No mould. No fungus. He wanted to see how long they could go, but his intern mistakenly threw them out. Very creepy."
I find this very interesting. If you've read my blog for a while, you know the disappointing news that I learned last spring about aspartame and how it actually makes you gain weight... So as hard as it was I've given that up...
And I think everyone knows to avoid trans fats, another sometimes hidden ingredient that actually addicts us to certains foods and adds to our girth. This is something I've always been very careful with.
Well, the latest thing I've been reading about is glutamates (including MSG), which are in so many foods (not just fast food) and so hidden that I don't know how I could eliminate it from our pantry... Apparently, glutamates are very addicting and cause us to eat more of certain foods than we should (this was also shown to be a factor in 'Supersize It'). Also, glutamates fall under all sorts of names on food labels. I don't understand how food manufacturers and restaurants can continue to put ingredients into food that are so bad for us and also be able to hide them in their ingredients list...
I miss the days of Weigh Down (a Bible focused weight loss program that I did really well on). It taught me to trust my body that God made, to get in tune to it's signals of hunger and fullness and give the rest to God. Now-a-days, every time I turn around I'm forced to focus more on the food and make sure it has no artificial sweetners, trans-fats or glutamates. When I was in Weigh Down I didn't focus on the food at all, just ate whatever I wanted when I was hungry and stopped before I was full. I would focus on God and thank Him for all the jewels He sent my way. I did exercise when I could because it felt good not because I was trying to control how many calories I burned that day. Now I run around feeling guilty if I miss a day of weights or the gazelle and have to take special care reading labels to make sure the food is righteous before I put in my mouth. I think I'm missing something...maybe we all are...
Friday, October 01, 2004
Les and I took our seats a while before the concert started so we could get a good look at the stage, and, in particular, the guitars on the stage. I correctly picked out the Gibson (special edition, I think) that Amy's lead guitar player (who was awesome) would play (he only used one guitar...Les says, 'when it's a Gibson, you only need one!'...but I digress..). Les pointed out Vince's tele. Les also pointed out the different amps up there...he even thought he saw a vintage Vox, etc. I pointed out Amy's accoustic, a MacPherson (I think Les was impressed that I remembered as this isn't a common guitar). In any case, this is stuff we do all the time. Les loves to survey what others are using in comparison to what he uses. His focus isn't always when he gets to perform for others so much as when he's downstairs in our house jammin' with his Marshall cranked.
Once the concert began, Les seemed impressed with Amy changing off accoustics every few songs...a fella from off-stage would come and exchange guitars with her. Les said that they were likely re-tuning them back stage in between. (If you know my darling hubby, you know that tuning is a big thing to him, so this was all good...and Vince did the same thing during his performance).
Anyway, after one of the songs in Amy's concert, I whispered to Les about how her lead guitar player used his slide in his solo. Les made a few comments back, and then Amy started into her next song, 'Simple Things', which if you know me, you know is one of my songs...I just find Les and myself and our life in there... So Amy's singing the chorus ('I dream of simple things I can believe in, like the feeling this day brings...True love and the miracle of forgiveness, I believe in simple things'). Then the spotlight moves to her guitar player who lets into an amazing solo, after which Les leans over and whispers into my ear, "That's what I need...a spotlight!" I just giggled...Amy's singing about 'simple things', and my unassuming, modest and introverted husband tells me he needs a spotlight for when he's jammin' out at home:) He's so cute!