I meant to post that wish before the first day of Christmas arrived, but it's now the third day of Christmas, and well, it's just as heartfelt.
I don't like it when people say that Christmas is over after the gifts are opened on Christmas Day or after the turkey's been eaten...so humor me as I let Christmas linger. It's been hard to let go of my other concerns (largely work) and enjoy the days, but I've been trying:)
On Christmas Eve, we attended services at Emmanuel Baptist Church where Amanda danced with the worship dancers. It was a wonderful service aimed at families highlighting the 'real star of Christmas'. After that we had family back to our house, ate appetizers, visited and exchanged some gifts. And for the second year in a row, my sister is in town for Christmas, which is a treat!
Les had to work Christmas day, so I arose with him before six that morning and saw him off. After a quiet breakfast, I read a devotion and snuck downstairs to play some carols quietly on the piano, then I came back up and made a pot of tea and read some Brennan Manning by the Christmas tree lights. Amanda soon arose and opened her stocking. The two us then did our tradition of lighting the advent candles and the Christ candle while singing carols and read our advent stories of His birth.
The rest of the day went by at a much quicker pace with a turkey to prepare and families to host. Les got home from work around 2 p.m. and we had a bit of family time around the tree before both Les' family and my own joined us.
The feast was wonderful, with too much food of course, and a highlight of the turkey platter being toppled right after dinner before dessert was served...so due to broken glass, no turkey leftovers were to had this year, but a fun memory nevertheless.
Pictures were taken, games were played, laughing happened. It was a good day!
The Brophy's