Merry Christmas!
I meant to post that wish before the first day of Christmas arrived, but it's now the third day of Christmas, and well, it's just as heartfelt.
I don't like it when people say that Christmas is over after the gifts are opened on Christmas Day or after the turkey's been humor me as I let Christmas linger. It's been hard to let go of my other concerns (largely work) and enjoy the days, but I've been trying:)
On Christmas Eve, we attended services at Emmanuel Baptist Church where Amanda danced with the worship dancers. It was a wonderful service aimed at families highlighting the 'real star of Christmas'. After that we had family back to our house, ate appetizers, visited and exchanged some gifts. And for the second year in a row, my sister is in town for Christmas, which is a treat!
Les had to work Christmas day, so I arose with him before six that morning and saw him off. After a quiet breakfast, I read a devotion and snuck downstairs to play some carols quietly on the piano, then I came back up and made a pot of tea and read some Brennan Manning by the Christmas tree lights. Amanda soon arose and opened her stocking. The two us then did our tradition of lighting the advent candles and the Christ candle while singing carols and read our advent stories of His birth.
The rest of the day went by at a much quicker pace with a turkey to prepare and families to host. Les got home from work around 2 p.m. and we had a bit of family time around the tree before both Les' family and my own joined us.
The feast was wonderful, with too much food of course, and a highlight of the turkey platter being toppled right after dinner before dessert was due to broken glass, no turkey leftovers were to had this year, but a fun memory nevertheless.
Pictures were taken, games were played, laughing happened. It was a good day!
The Brophy's

There You Are
written by Carolyn Arends I was hoping you would write to me a message in the stars
As if the stars themselves were not enough
And I awaited your arrival here from some place very far
As if I couldn't feel your constant touch
Why did I think that you'd send thunder
To wake me from my slumber
When anytime I open up my eyes
There you are - loving me like crazy
There you are - though I am unaware
There you are - when my heart is doubting
Even there you are
I was waiting for a miracle and hoping for a sign
As if each breath I take is not a gift
And I was acting just as if the way you gave your life for mine
Didn't have my foolish heart convinced
What did I think could cause this hunger
Did I ever stop to wonder
Why every time I open my eyes
Repeat chorus
I was hoping you would write to me a message in the stars
As if the stars themselves were not enough
(C) 1997 running arends music/New Spring Publishing, a division of Brentwood Music
Publishing, Inc. (ASCAP)
Well, I had a fabulous weekend and a less than fabulous return to work on I will focus on the weekend right now...Les and I finished up most of our Christmas shopping on Friday...just a few more gifts to buy...and then he took me out on a date for the evening! We went to Earls for supper where I had my favourite, the bento box and a glass of this yummy gwertraminer. I was on track eating wise until we decided to share gingerbread cake for dessert...oh well, it only happens one time a year, right?! After a wonderful meal, Les took me to see Pride and Prejudice. It was truly wonderful! Of course, they took some liberties in making the film...but how else could they have fit my favourite work of fiction into just two hours?! I think they captured the story and characters well though. Afterward we headed out to Starbucks for coffees...the perfect way to complete a great date I'd say!Saturday we did some things around the house and got most of our Christmas wrapping done and then we headed to the Saskatoon Inn for my company's Christmas Party. I have to confess that I really am not much for company Christmas parties. I actually find it a lot of work to socialize in that venue. It seems people are focused on image and impressing others and people don't truly mingle beyond their workgroups much. So I find it really hard to relax in such a mix and while I do always enjoy visiting with some people, I'm usually relieved when it is over. The one bright point this year though was seeing my handsome hubby in his new suit:)On Sunday we did some housework and some running around, and we did manage to fit another trip to Starbucks in before we went to visit the in-laws...gotta like that!Les had this weekend off and it was just so great to get to do so many things together. I loved it and wish it didn't have to end:)
Seven Things About Various Things I Was Asked to Tell You AboutSeven things to do before I die:
1. Have a baby.
2. Paris in the springtime!
3. Honeymoon in Ireland (we're still going, right?!:)
4. Learn to skate.
5. Retire from ever having to do accounting again!
6. Finish what I started on the ministry track.
7. Love my husband and children higher and wider and deeper than I even think is possible.
Seven things I cannot do:
1. Hide my feelings (or at least, I can't do this very well)
2. Ski (I've never learned and Les doesn't want to)
3. Sleep if I haven't brushed my teeth and washed my face before bed
4. Touch my nose with my tongue.
5. Not take things personal
From You've Got Mail:
(Joe Fox) "It wasn't... personal."
(Kathleen Kelly) "What is that supposed to
mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you.
But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so
wrong with being personal, anyway?"
(Joe Fox) "Uh, nothing."
(Kathleen Kelly) "Whatever else
anything is, it ought to begin by being
6. Reach the top shelf in our kitchen cupboards (without a chair). 7. Watch any sort of surgery (I have to turn my face away even when Les is just flipping the channel past 27 some nights!)
Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. His affection and affirmation.2. His sense of humor.3. His creativity.4. His heart.5. His shoulders (and all kinds of other parts;)6. His strength.7. His touch and his gaze:)
Seven things I say most often:
1. Worst case scenario...(Les says this is how I relieve stress, by planning around it?! eg. 'well, worst case scenario, the meeting will run late, but I'll make sure I'm home by 5.')2. Good grief (I think I caught this one from my friend, Alana!)3. Drive safely.4. Bye (even when just leaving the room for a few minutes)5. What are you thinking?6. As if!7. I don't think so.
Seven books I love:
1. The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning2. Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen3. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin4. Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis & John Eldridge5. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery6. Beyond Ourselves by Catherine Marshall7. Living the Questions by Carolyn ArendsSeven movies I would watch over and over again:
1. The Mirror Has Two Faces2. You've Got Mail3. Pride & Prejudice (BBC Production)4. While You Were Sleeping5. Bridget Jones6. A Beautiful Mind7. GidgetSeven people I want to join in too:
Anyone who reads this...and especially anyone I link to on this blog:)