I can't believe that I haven't posted since Thursday, but life has been eventful...
We had another bday celebration for Amanda on Sunday...this time a family one at Granny & Gramps, and tonight we are headed to East Side Mario's with Nana and Papa for more bday festivities...boy that girl of ours is loved!!
It's hard for me to believe that Amanda is 11 already...it was just yesterday that I was planning her princess party for her 8th bday, and the day after that was the unicorn one for her 9th...it's just a blink ago that they were all DIVA's for her 10th bday and here she is 11!! 11 and quite a young lady...a good friend, respectful, sure of herself, bright, imaginative, sensitive and fun! I'm so enjoying these days with my Dolly...all the changes and growth...she blows me away:) And I'm so thankful for the friends that God has brought into her life. There were a couple at the party that I didn't know as well yet, and they turned out to be treasures like all of the others:) Thanks God!