Thirteen Things I'm Loving Doing this Summer!
Work is continuing to be so stressful, so I decided to purposely focus this Thursday Thirteen on the things we've been enjoying doing in the beautiful weather to de-stress:
1. Bike riding! I especially love going out and exploring early in the morning on the weekend (and if my hubby can join me, all the better!)
2. Walks by the river:)
3. Light mocha frappucinos at Starbucks after the aformentioned walks;)
4. Tending to my flowers:)
5. Enjoying some tea and a devotional on the deck!
6. Going for a country drive (we went to the Berry Barn a couple of weeks ago:)
7. Walks around the neibourhood.
8. Cruising with my sweetie in the PT (even if it is only to go and groceries tonight!)
9. Earl's patio (if you can get in?!! ..ok, so we haven't gotten in yet, but we will!)
10. Bar-b-quing!
11. Visiting the new dry pond in one of the parks nearby, sitting on the bench and enjoying each other and the children playing aorund us:)
12. Enjoying the deck (after all our hardwork painting it) with my hubby and some homemade iced tea after he's done work on the weekends.
13. The sun on my face, wherever I am (especially after a hard day at work while I'm coming home!)
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