Thirteen Ways God Has Been So Faithful to Me...
I'm waiting to see what's next for me and so I thought it would be good to remember ways that God has been faithful to me in the past...
1. I was single a few years longer than I had hoped (ok, more than a few!), but then God brought me His man for me and he has SO been worth the wait!
2. When Les and I were first dating, we lived in different cities, 1000 miles apart, but God broke through all the obstacles and we ended up here together.
3. I believe that God always intended me to be Amanda's mom...and how he brought us together and the bond there is between us still amazes me! Les and I got married in November 2002, and Amanda came to live with us in December of that year, and three short months later she chose to start calling me 'Mommy':) Only God could do that!
4. In the summer of 1998, God healed me of a private health issue. As I look back I'd like to think it had something to do with a step of obedience I was taking, but in truth, I hadn't really accomplished much in that area when He did it. It really was His grace (and not anything I did).
5. In the late 1990's when I was working in a high-paced pressured environment where everyone was fighting to gain more, God impressed upon me that I didn't need more, I needed Him and He made a way for me to cut back so I could serve Him...and the bills all still got paid.
6. When we were selling the condo I had lived in when I was single and trying to buy this house for our family, and we thought we'd loose our deal on the house because the original buyer of the condo fell through, God made a way for us to get into the house before our daughter joined us so she would have a home...and the deal didn't cost more money!
7. In the home I grew up in there were some things that happened that I don't want to talk about here, but I just know that God's hand was on me and somehow through everything I always knew He loved me, so I was ok.
8. When I lived in Regina and wanted to move back to Saskatoon and prayed for a transfer, there was a point at which it seemed that all the doors had been closed and I went off by myself I guess to cry and in that moment God gave me an assurance that it wasn't over. Shortly after that I got the transfer I had been hoping for.
9. In 2000 when an extreme situation at work became so bad that I was breaking out in hives, God taught me about boundaries and I learned to say 'no' sometimes.
10. Now people weren't used to me having boundaries so sometimes they didn't respect them...and that's when God provided me with another opportunity.
11. Last fall, during the busiest period of the year for me at work, two of my staff ended up off with serious ailments, and my staff and I were all spread more than a little thin, but God gave me what I needed to fill the holes and somehow we got everything done and done well in time for the audit.
12. I met my friend, Alana, through a nudging from God to pray for her and I saw Him do a miracle in her...the fluid around her heart disappeared by the next test and I saw her come back from a very difficult place. And through this experience I have gained such a precious friend who has been a big sister to me:)
13. More than a year ago, I scraped the front bumper of the car in a parking lot, and, well, it's a long story, but let's just say that it was my fault, but yet my husband was so gracious to me. I was so guilt ridden and I prayed and prayed for forgiveness and tried to make things right and not only did I experience God's forgiveness, but he put flesh on it through my husband and showered His grace on me and the whole situation.
I remember shortly before Les came into my life, He gave me this verse as I waited..."He'll turn your waiting into dancing." I had always heard that translated before as 'mourning into dancing,' but this translation spoke something new into my heart...and God more than fulfilled that. Right now, I'm waiting for a new opportunity...and doing what I can while I it's good to remember how He's turned waiting into dancing before:) (Your prayers are always welcome too!)
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