Tanya tagged me this week to share...five things I'm addicted to and five things I "really, really do not like"...
So, Five things I am addicted to (hope I won't need a support group, but here goes...)
1. My husband - much like Tanya, I really do *need* to be with him:)
2. My sweet daughter! My whole life I wanted to be a mom - and though it appears that I can't conceive one the traditional way, God enabled me to give birth to my dolly a little over 6 years ago - and trust me, it isn't easy to give birth to a 7 year old (she was 7 at the time), but it was and is totally worth it!
3. Starbucks - ok, ok - I'll admit it, it's an addiction;) Going to Starbucks is like a mini-vacation for me from the bustle of life! ...my favourite drink - a grande caramel machiato with no fat and sugar free vanilla:)
4. Paper crafting - I love having a creative outlet. I wish I had more time to create somedays, but overall I'm so grateful to have found some time for me in this way:)
5. Music...there's always a song going through my head...and there's almost always some sort of music in my home from my hubby playing guitar, to me cranking up the tunes while I'm cooking... I love to sing:)
And five things I really really do not like (well, here goes, I'll just get it all of my chest!)...
1. I totally agree with the first one on Tanya's list - I do not like stress....
2. The second one I'll say is much like the first...pressure - I do not like to be under pressure...
3. I don't like it when someone throws guilt or a guilt trip on you. It's manipulative - plain and simple. Recently a pastor told me that 'guilt is not from God - because He can't give you what He doesn't have - and God doesn't have guilt.' - I'm still pondering that one:)
4. Judgment - I try to not pass judgment on others, but I'm sure I fail at this one all too often myself. Recently, I really felt judged by some people in my personal life - and the fact is that they didn't have all the facts and so what they were judging me for wasn't even true. It hurt me a lot.
5. Turnips - (this one's a little lighter), but I still don't like turnips, brussel sprouts or liver - I didn't like them when I was a child and I still don't today! Oh - and you can add parsnips to that list - yuck!