Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Book Recommendations, Please

I'm looking for the next book I'm going to read... I've been kind of caught up in Brennan Manning of late and am re-reading his book, Ruthless Trust. There are some passages in the first chapter that I just can't get past... He is describing his experience as a child and it's so much like a mirror for me...feelings I've worked through and gotten past before and even some that I guess I've never acknowledged... they are there so fresh everytime I read it. Manning's premise in writing the book is this:

"The splendor of a human heart that trusts that it is loved unconditionally gives God more pleasure than Westminster Cathedral, the Sistine Chapel, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Van Gogh's Sunflowers, the sight of 10,000 butterflies in flight, or the scent of a million orchids in bloom. Trust is our gift back to God, and he finds it so enchanting that Jesus died for love of it."

All through the book Manning keeps reminding that God loves us as we ARE not as we should be. It's a good book.

Tonight Amanda and I are meeting my friend Caroline at McNally for a visit and some browsing. I think I'm going to look for the next book I'm going to devour. Do you have any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My first time here. Found it thru Created for HIS glory. Looking forward to scrolling down to read more of your entries.

    A book I just read that's fiction but spoke volumes to me is "Ribbon of Years" by Robin Hatcher. For a non-fiction "David" from the "Profiles in Character Series" by Charles Swindoll. Any of those are really good but this one especially reached out to me at the right time. I find Charles Swindoll full of insight and he's easy to read as he applies the principles to everyday life.
