Thursday, March 23, 2006

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Thirteen Places I've Never Been that I Would Like to Go To

1. Paris in the springtime - I've dreamt about this since I was a young girl. I imagine sipping cappucinos at a sidewalk cafe, strolling over bridges in the mist, driving along the country side, visiting museums....
2. Ireland - my husband says that we will eventually honeymoon there...and even spend a night or two in a castle!
3. Nashville Tennessee - it's the home of many kinds of music, and my husband would add.. it's the home of the Gibson guitar factory.
4. The Maritimes - I've wanted to visit PEI ever since I first read Anne of Green Gables as a girl. I imagine visiting pubs, great music and dancing...and seafood!
5. Norway (or Switzerland or Sweden) - it just looked SO picturesque when the Winter Olympics were there.
6. Canmore, Alberta - I've heard it is just so pretty.
7. Orchards and wine country in B.C. - a sample of Icewine along the way sounds good to me:)
8. Scotland - my maternal grandmother's family was from there (and was somehow related the Queen mum even!)
9. England - my maternal grandad's family was from there.
10. Austria - my paternal grandparents were from there.
11. Quebec - if I can't get to France...maybe the Canadian version will do?!
12. Florence - it sounds romantic, doesn't it?!
13. The delivery room.

Credit for the banner goes to Novelist in Training

Leave your link in comments; I’ll add you here!
* Susie * Undercover Angel * TN Chick* Dawn * Lauren * Lady * Ardice * Leesa * Kelly * Kimmy * Daisy * Matt *

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Ooh, I would also like to go to #2, #8, #9, and #10. Don't you wish we could just jump on a plane to go anywhere anytime?

    Thanks for visiting my T13. :)

  2. I'd love to visit them all! Thanks for visiting my TT!

  3. Nashville is my home... let me know if ever you visit! My 13 is up.

  4. Ooooo, that is a good list. Great places to visit, and of all of them, I've only been to Nashville.

    My TT is up.

  5. What a great list - I highly recommend #13 and hope for you to get there.

    My Thursday Thirteen are up.

  6. Ireland and Nashville is where I want to go. oh and Alaska too. Thanks for stopping by my TT. Have a wonderful Thursday. Take-Care...

  7. Pretty much all of Europe for me.
    Paris in the Spring sounds fab!

    Happy Thursday!
    Mine are up.
    Diary of the Nello

  8. Me, too! I would love to see them all. I've been to Nashville, TN. My dear friend lives there. She gets to show me all the really cool places... not just the touristy places. She works in the music biz. Her friend gave us free tickets to see Toby Keith and LeAnn Womak last year... back stage passes and all. So that's a nice bonus ;)
    I hope you get to.
    My 13 are up!

  9. Some great choices. Pick one and plan a trip....sounds do-able to me! Love your visits...don't be a stranger.

  10. Seems to be a common theme this week. But some great places to visit.

    My 13 are up here.

  11. Our posts are so similar! Thanks for stopping by the list

  12. That is a great list of places. I am dying to visit Switzerland I have good friends there with a spare room !
    My TT list is up finally late today oops.
    Stop by and see if you can guess the right answer.

  13. Oh, I LOVED Ann of Green Gables, though I must admit that I'm partial to the movies, which is rare for me since I'm not a big fan of books made from movies. I want to go to Ireland, too; my husband and I both have ancestry from there. Actually, I'd love to visit all of these places, either for the first time or again.

  14. Nashville is amazing, so laid back and beautiful. But no, no, no, Canmore. Gotta come to Cochrane, AB! You will feel as if you are back in the Old West downtown, in the Bow Valley, by the Bow River, surrounded by mountains. We even had Brad Pitt and Angelina drop by one of our local restaurants and walking down our red dirt paths when in the area -- it was that quiet.
