Friday, July 14, 2006

Seen on a dressing room mirror tonight....

Tonight while Amanda was at VBS, Les and I did some shopping, and at one of the stops I was in a dressing room trying on a few skirts when I looked at myself in the mirror while half-naked only to find that I had been framed in it with an antique gold border and the following words written in the upper left-hand corner of the mirror..."My body is a masterpiece." ...Well, that certainly made me smile:)

The store I was in was called 'Addition-elle', and it's one of the better names for a 'plus-sized' clothing store...but it still has a name that denotes that it's for someone 'bigger' (or additional in size). I've gotten used to it, but often wonder why these stores can't just have normal names like small size focused stores? For instance, when I'm in Cotton Ginny they don't call the side of the store geared toward 'smaller' built people 'skinny-ginny', but they do call the side of the store that I shop in 'plus'?! I guess it's because of messages like this that the sign in the dressing room tonight really impacted me in a good way:) So remember, regardless of which side you shop're body is a masterpiece too!!


  1. Thanks, I needed that! I don't understand why all stores can't be like Old Navy where they sell both! I mean just because I'm a little bigger doesn't mean that I don't like cute clothes!

  2. you're lucky...I don't think the Old Navy here sells least from what I've seen when I've shopped there with my little girl.

  3. huh...
    was it with the best of intention that the clothing guru's separated "larger" sizes from "smaller" sizes?
    Was it a matter of space in the store? ...they couldn't fit that many sizes on one rack?
    These things befuffle me.
    Did anyone in the fashion industry take a moment to check out what the words ...detach, disconnect, disperse, insulate, part, separate,
    discriminate, insulate and segregate all have in common?

    Sherri, you are beautiful. I have never noticed your size before I noticed your eyes...and those are what captures a friend whether new or old. AMEN!!

  4. A masterpiece..I like that.

    It always seemed odd to me that they don't set up change rooms to make women comfortable and confident. It would be in tbeir best interests, even from a strictly shallow and financial standpoint.

  5. What a lovely message to put in the dressing room. Glad to see you posting againg. You've been missed.
