Thursday, July 20, 2006

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Thirteen Things that have happened or will happen this week...

1. My friend Charolette, from our small group, is getting married on Saturday!

2. My daughter's birth-mother is in town for a visit (just a bit-o-stress there, but it's going pretty good)

3. My friend Lynn is due to have her baby on the it could happen this week!

4. Les and I tried to go to the Taste of Saskatchewan last night...crowds were enormous and parking was not to be found.

5. So we will likely go mid-afternoon on Friday.

6. I got a new suit that Les says follows Stacy and Clinton's rules!

7. I didn't want to spend the money on this even though it was quite reasonable and needed for any potential interviews, but my husband insisted!

8. I learned that an opportunity I was hoping would work out won't:( ...already filled.

9. I've had a little extra time alone with my hubby while Amanda's been visiting with #2.

10. We've gone to Starbucks!!

11. I'm really hoping and a bit anxious to receive some sort of offer/opportunity soon.

12. I'm more convinced than ever that I couldn't stay where I was.

13. I helped them create an ad for my position.

(Keep me in your prayers if you lean that way, k?! ...Thanks!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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  1. Will definately keep you in my prayers...I pray a new opportunity comes along soon and that you get to try out the new suit! Yeah for marriage and babies!
    My TT is up!

  2. I love that you followed Clint & STacy's rules!! sounds like a pretty good week- I imagine the birth mother thing would be weird. have a great weekend!

  3. Go Stacy and Clinton! :)

    Sounds like a mixed bag week for you -- enjoy what you can, and good luck with your new opportunities -- one will come along!

  4. A lot of emotions in this one. Good list!

  5. I'm very sorry to hear that the opportunity didn't work out for you. I'll say a prayer that a new (even better) one comes along soon.

  6. you've had/will have a full week. You'll find the right opportunity soon.

  7. Just prayed for ya! I'm sure that God will lead you in the right direction!

  8. Go the comment about following the What Not to Wear Rules. God's timing is always perfect...enjoy the time you have off now. You're too blessed to be stressed!

  9. thanks for all your encouraging words!

    ...and daisy, I'm not off now...I gave them MEGA notice that I was leaving as I really didn't want to leave anyone high and dry and I wanted to help manage my staff's stress through this I'm there until at least August 10th and may make myself available a bit after that if they haven't found a suitable replacement, which is hard given the stuff that lead to my decision to leave, but I'm just trying to leave as well as I can.

  10. I want Starbucks!! Happy TT, mine's up ;).

  11. Sounds like an interesting week. Will keep you in my prayers. Thanks for stopping by mine!

  12. A busy week... and lots of baby activity.
    Good luck with finding the job that's right for you and with spending time with your daughter's birth mother. I'm sure it's all very stressful!
    Happy T13!

  13. Hope you secure a job soon. I know that can be stressful. Sounds like you've been busy this week.

    My TT is up here.

  14. Great list...
    I hope the things causing stress leave soon..
    Starbucks sounds good.
    My TT is up

  15. My best friend was due on the 24th too. She just had her baby yesterday. It's so exciting.

  16. Sending luck and good energy! :) The perfect thing is out there waiting for you. Just hang on!

    Have a good day!

  17. Sounds like lots of good things are coming. I will be praying for you.

    My TT is up!
