Saturday, October 18, 2008

And the 'Audrey' goes to...

Nellie & me:) (I cannot believe that they included me?! All of the creations were so beautiful in every way!!)

Cinema Saturday is a new challenge that started last week. This week's theme is Breakfast at Tiffany's so you know I'll be back to play this weekend! Last week's theme was Pride & Prejudice...and the girls from Cinema Saturday gave Nellie & I the 'Audrey Award' for playing along:) You really need to go and check out Nellie's creation, it so so pretty! And then you need to play along with this week's theme:))))


  1. Congratulations! Your altered notebook was beautiful! All of the notebooks were wonderful. You did a great job!

  2. Congrats again.. "Audrey" looks great on your blog...

    It actually looks "AUDREYlicous"

