This ( is what I'm learning to play (and the model I'm using is called a 'sweetone' sweet is that:) On our trip to Edmonton, Les and I spent a day going to the music stores and Old Strathcona. We usually look at the guitars and amps (and accessories) for him, and the keyboards...particularly the full-size weighted ones for me (dreaming of the day when I can trade my Yamaha up). Well this time we spent some time in the wind instrument section. We enjoy Celtic music and worship and are both fond of the tin whistle. On a whim, I decided that I would like to learn to play one. I'm in the very early stages, but am through most of the D scale. I can play Twinkle, Twinkle and the introduction to Revival (Robin Mark)...although not with the emotion and feel I hope to play once I learn more about breathing. It's fun to learn something new though!
Here are a list of tin whistle (penny whistle) resources that I'm putting together so I can refer back to them:
Clarke Tin Whiste (
Chiff and Fipple ( )
Brother Steve's Tin Whistle Page (
Tin Whistle Fingering (
The Irish Tin Whistle (
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