Monday, August 29, 2011

Back To School Desk

Every year on the first day back to school I write my daughter a letter telling her how much I believe in her and praying blessings over her new school year...and every year I try to make something to put the letter in or to put in treats in or to coordinate with the letter. This is this year's 'something'. I saw a desk like this over here. I thought, 'that's cute, I can make that', so I sat down and this is what I came up with. I know there is a link where you can buy the tutorial, but I thought it looked simple enough, but if you would like a tutorial, be sure to click on the link above. I also know the link has a much smaller post it note pad, but I thought a full sized one would be more practical for my daughter even if it dominated the desk and so I purposely put the drawers closer together to offer support and I cut the teeny pencil in the original because she wouldn't use it.

Sorry this is not a great's at least 3X cuter in person...the morning light when I took the picture was too bright for the window sill.

This project uses 6 of the matchbox dies from Stampin Up. The purple is because that seems to be my daughter's favourite colour these days. The stampset I used is the strength & hope stampset that benefits a great cause and is only available until August 31, so if you don't have your yet, be sure to place your order before the end of the month.

In each of the drawers I have placed some chocolate and a challenge & blessing for the year ahead for my girl. As in prior years I placed this in her place at the dining table the night before so she discovers it at breakfast on her first day:)